I used to sign up and be an enthusiastic member of different buy and sell websites. In short, I'm a social networking cum marketplace addict. I find friends and sell fashion accessories. Let's face it. There are many social networking sites with online marketplace feature out there. But, we simply need the most functional and useful site wherein building valuable connections with other people is possible. I won't name names but there are many websites that aren't giving me what I really need while taking advantage of the Internet. I want change.
Now, I got the chance to meet the most functional and useful site online. Are you familiar with
Lately, this has been my constant query while being with friends. If you don't mind logging out from your FB, Multiply or eBay account and have a glimpse of this video, you also want change. That's for sure.
I'm an avid fan of Splize nowadays. I've tried browsing the site and posted an offer after signing up for an account. There, you'll be amazed of its intelligent matching feature. When I posted a need for an apartment for rent, there's an automatic display of all offers or needs relating to real estate for rent or on sale. How cool is that? Not only that, you'll enjoy connecting with people! I'm really grateful for having the opportunity to connect with people, post my offers or needs and enjoy intelligent matching that's not found in any other marketplace and social networking sites.
Also, it's free to become a member of the said site. Sweet! So, you may connect with Trendy Karen as a friend if you're a reader of this blog and already a member of Splize.com.
Lastly, I love the simplicity and functionality of its design. The color combination of the website template reflects value, credibility and reliability. Truly, Splize.com is a cool change for me.
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inWrite’s “Choose and Review” Blog Review Contest