Sep 3, 2011

My Thoughts On The Sting Of The Scorpion Address

These days, I've been thinking on how to deal with a church colleague's behavior. I'm not feeling right on what she's doing and so it affected my church related duties. Maybe, for her, I'm just a 30-year-old woman who lacks the wisdom and knowledge she possesses, or maybe she doesn't like me. The tide of confusion and indifference surrounded me to the highest level because in the first place I was given the primary responsibility to fulfill my tasks.

Enter The Sting Of The Scorpion address by Elder Patrick Kearon. Because of my latest predicament,  I became overly lazy and uninterested in doing my assignments. Later on, I learned to justify my actions and hate what my colleague is doing against me. But the message is clear: "When it comes to how we live the gospel, we must not respond with laziness or rebelliousness." In that sense, I must diligently strive to become what the Lord needs and wants me to be, despite the challenges that I've been facing lately. Yes, her behavior is like the sting of a scorpion that may devour me, but there are many positive ways to solve the problem. This powerful address,  The Sting Of The Scorpion, has inspired me to do the right thing and endure to the end.

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