Sep 23, 2011

The Significance Of My Blog Title Trendy Karen

When I was in my elementary years, I didn't know anything of the word "style" and so ignorant about the fashion world. I was like a weird, geeky and wide-reader kid who gets accustomed to her loads of books and reading materials. In fact, one of my grade school teachers (I won't name names here) was hesitant to cast me as part of the school-wide theater show Sleeping Beauty just because I look like a super skinny young girl with no sense of style. But the incident created a sudden spark in my mind - an innocent dream that one day I'll become a fun, fearless and knowledgeable fashionista.

Little by little, I grew tired of being less fortunate in life and has decided to become stylishly prudent in lifestyle and career goals. Since being a lawyer has been literally withheld by my ultimate confidante, God himself, I decided to go back to my first love - being a fierce writer. I said fierce because I was not reluctant to experience true-to-life heartbreaks and joy to prepare myself to become an author someday.

Enter my hot fashion pursuit. When blogging became a hit, I tried to incorporate my love of dressing up and styling. My ardent desire to embrace modest fashion clothing research and writing allowed me to find my dream job - as a fashion writer. I'm not yet an expert, but dreams to become one, and I will make sure that I can live up to the title of this blog, Trendy Karen.

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